Modellazione numerica avanzata
Pianificazione delle indagini geotecniche
Scelta di modello e parametri costitutivi
Ottimizzazione e verifica del progetto
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Fondazioni di torri eoliche
Banchine portuali
Ricerca e Sviluppo
Sistema HBC
Progetti europei
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Progetti correlati
Jet grouting as ground improvement
Foundation of a multy-storey building
Shallow wind turbine foundation
Retaining wall with anchors
DAS-NAG Stone columns
Quay wall with relieving platform
Remediation of gravity quay wall by jet grout columns
Caisson quay wall for a cruise terminal
River dam rehabilitation by a cut-off wall
Berm-supported sheet-pile wall
River dam stability
Stability of man-made slope
Micropiles for slope stabilization
Twin-bore tunnels in rock by drill-and-blast
Foundation pad for a temporary bridge
Stability of a terraced slope
Cut-and-cover tunnel in compacted fill
Influence of tunnel excavation on an existing building
Influence of tunnel excavation on adjacent premises
Wind turbine foundation on semirigid inclusions
Wind turbine foundation on sand
Wind turbine foundation on soft soil
Wind turbine foundation on soft soil
Wind turbine foundation on rammed stone columns
Wind turbine foundation on weak soil
Wind turbine foundation on loess
Wind turbine foundation on highly weathered rock
Wind turbine foundation on compacted granular fill
Wind turbine foundation on loess
Slope reinforcement with ground anchors