

Specialists at WeSI Geotecnica have a sound background in developing, implementing and employing the state-of-art soil constitutive models. Depending on the engineering judgement and the complexity of the soil, the choice of a soil model ranges from simple linear elasticitic-perfectly plastic and volumetric hardening models to the most advanced ones that take special features into account such as shear hardening, creep, anisotropy, small strain stiffness, large deformations, dynamics, cyclic loading and unsaturated soil behaviour.

WeSI Geotecnica is not only concerned with the modelling of soils stiffness, but it also keeps updated on recent development in the implementation of more advanced failure envelopes such as Matsuoka-Nakai and constitutive models for rocks such as Hoek-Brown criterion. In addition to the ready-to-use models WeSI Geotecnica offers the possibility to implement new soil models into a Finite Element Code as special service.

Furthermore, WeSI Geotecnica offers training services to perspective clients interested in increasing their knowledge on constitutive models that may be conveniently used for standard and non usual geotechnical engineering problems.